Unlike their polished counterparts that often grace the showcase displays of jewelry stores, raw diamonds possess an unrefined allure that appeals to those seeking a more natural and distinctive gem. Understanding how to identify raw diamonds can be a valuable skill for gem enthusiasts, jewelers, and those interested in the ethical sourcing of gemstones.

In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the characteristics that set raw diamonds apart, explore the tools used for identification, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to spotting these uncut wonders. Moreover, we will unravel the secrets of differentiating raw diamonds from other gemstones and shed light on the essential factors that contribute to diamond grading.
Characteristics of Raw Diamonds
Natural Formation Process
Raw diamonds undergo a remarkable and awe-inspiring formation process deep within the Earth’s mantle, where intense heat and pressure work their magic on carbon atoms over millions of years. Geologists believe that these precious gems are formed as carbon-rich materials experience immense pressure and heat at depths of over 100 miles beneath the Earth’s surface.
The high temperatures and pressure cause the carbon atoms to crystallize into the unique lattice structure that characterizes diamonds. As volcanic activity occurs, these precious stones are transported to the Earth’s surface, where they can be found in specific regions known as diamond mines.
Unpolished Appearance
The most apparent characteristic of raw diamonds is their unpolished appearance. Unlike their polished counterparts that dazzle with brilliance and sparkle, raw diamonds retain their natural state as they were found in the earth.
This means that they often exhibit rough and irregular surfaces, reminiscent of their formation deep within the Earth’s mantle. This uncut and unpolished exterior showcases the pure, untouched essence of the diamond, making each raw gem a distinctive and unique creation of nature.
Rough Surface Texture
One of the key identifiers of raw diamonds is their rough surface texture. As a result of their natural formation process and lack of polishing, raw diamonds typically exhibit surfaces that are uneven and textured. These surfaces may be peppered with small indentations, natural grooves, and tiny fissures called “inclusions.” These surface irregularities are essential indicators of a diamond’s authenticity and unprocessed state.
Lack of Brilliance and Fire
Unlike their cut and polished counterparts, raw diamonds lack the captivating brilliance and fire that make diamonds a symbol of radiance and beauty. The absence of facets and the reflective surfaces found in polished diamonds diminish their ability to reflect and refract light effectively. Instead, raw diamonds absorb light and scatter it in various directions, resulting in a more subdued and subdued appearance. However, it is precisely this raw and subdued charm that appeals to those who appreciate the unique and unaltered nature of these gems.
Natural Inclusions
Raw diamonds often exhibit natural inclusions, which are internal imperfections formed during their creation process. These inclusions can take the form of other minerals, tiny crystals, or even small pockets of air. While inclusions are often considered undesirable in polished diamonds, they are an integral part of the allure of raw diamonds. Each inclusion tells a story of the diamond’s journey through time and provides a glimpse into the geological processes that shaped it. Gemologists use these inclusions to identify and distinguish raw diamonds from other gemstones.
Tools for Diamond Identification
Loupe or Magnifying Glass
The loupe, a small handheld magnification device, is an indispensable tool for diamond identification. Gemologists and jewelers use loupes to closely examine the surface and internal features of diamonds. These powerful magnifiers typically have 10x magnification, enabling the user to observe minute details that might be missed by the naked eye. When inspecting raw diamonds, gemologists pay particular attention to inclusions, surface irregularities, and growth lines. The loupe allows them to determine a diamond’s authenticity and assess its clarity characteristics, which are crucial factors in determining a diamond’s value.
In cases where a more detailed examination is required, gemologists and experts use microscopes to analyze the internal structure and inclusions of raw diamonds. Microscopes provide higher magnification capabilities, allowing for a closer look at the diamond’s internal features. This is especially important when assessing the clarity of the gem and identifying any unique characteristics that contribute to its individuality. The information obtained from microscope observations assists gemologists in accurately grading and appraising the raw diamond.
Diamond Tester
A diamond tester is a handheld device designed to determine whether a gemstone is a real diamond or a simulant (such as cubic zirconia or moissanite). These testers work based on the principle of thermal conductivity. Diamonds have excellent heat conductivity, while most diamond simulants do not conduct heat as effectively.
By touching the diamond tester’s probe to the surface of the gem, the device measures how quickly heat dissipates, indicating whether the stone is a genuine diamond. However, it’s essential to note that diamond testers do not provide information about the diamond’s quality or other characteristics.
UV Light
Ultraviolet (UV) light is used as a diagnostic tool in the identification of diamonds. When exposed to UV light, some diamonds emit a distinct blue fluorescence, while others may not show any fluorescence at all. The presence or absence of fluorescence can help distinguish diamonds from diamond simulants or other gemstones. However, it’s crucial to remember that not all diamonds fluoresce, and the intensity of fluorescence can vary significantly between diamonds. UV light serves as an additional tool in the overall identification process but should not be relied upon as the sole method for identifying diamonds.
Step-by-Step Guide to Identify a Raw Diamond
Visual Inspection
The first step in identifying a raw diamond is to conduct a visual inspection of the gemstone. Hold the diamond up to a source of natural light or use a bright light to illuminate the stone’s surface. Observe the overall shape and texture of the diamond. Raw diamonds typically have an unpolished appearance with rough surfaces, irregular shapes, and natural edges. These characteristics are a stark contrast to the smooth and symmetrical facets of polished diamonds.
Next, examine the diamond for surface imperfections. Look for small indentations, rough spots, and natural grooves that are commonly found on raw diamonds. These surface irregularities are a result of the diamond’s natural formation process and can serve as key identifiers of an uncut gem.
Additionally, pay attention to the transparency and color of the diamond. Raw diamonds often exhibit a subdued and less transparent appearance compared to polished diamonds. Their color may vary, ranging from colorless to various shades of brown, yellow, or even gray. Remember that colorless raw diamonds are exceptionally rare, and most raw diamonds display varying degrees of color due to trace elements present during their formation.
Using a Loupe or Microscope
For a more detailed examination, use a loupe or microscope to inspect the diamond closely. A loupe with 10x magnification is typically sufficient for most gemological assessments. Look for inclusions, which are internal imperfections or other minerals trapped within the diamond. These inclusions can appear as tiny specks, lines, or cloudy areas and are a natural part of a raw diamond’s charm. Inclusions can be unique identifiers for individual diamonds and can help determine their authenticity and origin.
Additionally, evaluate the diamond’s crystal structure and growth lines under the loupe or microscope. Natural diamonds often exhibit growth lines, which are striations that form during their crystal growth. These lines may provide valuable insights into a diamond’s history and formation process.
Conducting Diamond Tests
While visual inspection and magnification can provide significant information, further tests can help confirm the diamond’s authenticity. One such test is the fog test. Breathe on the surface of the diamond to create condensation. Genuine diamonds disperse heat quickly and do not retain fog for long. If the fog dissipates almost immediately, it indicates a high likelihood of the diamond being real.
Another test involves using a newspaper or printed text. Place the diamond face down on the text and observe how well you can read the text through the diamond. A real diamond will bend light, causing the text to appear blurry or distorted. Simulants like cubic zirconia or glass will not have the same effect, and the text will remain legible.
Lastly, consider using a diamond tester, which can quickly determine whether the gem is a real diamond or a simulant based on its thermal conductivity. Remember that diamond testers can only confirm the presence of a real diamond but do not provide information about the diamond’s quality or other characteristics.
Seeking Professional Appraisal
If you still have doubts about the diamond’s authenticity or require a comprehensive evaluation of its quality and value, it is advisable to seek a professional appraisal from a certified gemologist or jeweler. They have the expertise and tools needed to provide a thorough assessment of the raw diamond, including determining its clarity, color, carat weight, and other essential characteristics. An appraisal certificate will offer valuable documentation and peace of mind regarding the diamond’s identity and value.
Differentiating Raw Diamonds from Other Gemstones
Identifying Raw Diamonds vs. Cubic Zirconia
Cubic zirconia is a popular diamond simulant often used in jewelry as a more affordable alternative to diamonds. However, it lacks the natural properties and characteristics of a genuine diamond. One of the key differences between raw diamonds and cubic zirconia is their hardness. Diamonds are the hardest known natural substance, scoring a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale, while cubic zirconia ranks at approximately 8-8.5. As a result, raw diamonds are more resistant to scratches and abrasions compared to cubic zirconia.
Another distinguishing factor is the density of the gemstones. Raw diamonds have a higher density than cubic zirconia, making them feel heavier when held in hand. Additionally, raw diamonds often exhibit more color variation, including shades of brown, yellow, and gray, while cubic zirconia is generally colorless or exhibits less color variety.
Distinguishing Raw Diamonds from Moissanite
Moissanite is another popular diamond simulant with excellent brilliance and fire. While it shares some visual similarities with diamonds, moissanite has distinct characteristics that set it apart from raw diamonds. One of the most significant differences is the refractive index. Moissanite has a higher refractive index than diamonds, leading to a greater display of brilliance and sparkle when exposed to light.
When examining a raw diamond and moissanite side by side, you may notice differences in color. Diamonds tend to display a broader range of colors, including subtle hues, while moissanite typically exhibits a colorless appearance.
Moreover, moissanite’s hardness is lower than that of diamonds, ranking at around 9.25 on the Mohs scale. While it is quite durable, moissanite is slightly more susceptible to scratches compared to raw diamonds.
How to Tell Raw Diamonds from White Topaz
White topaz is a natural gemstone often used as an alternative to diamonds due to its colorless appearance. However, it lacks the exceptional brilliance and fire exhibited by diamonds. To differentiate between raw diamonds and white topaz, consider their hardness. While white topaz is relatively hard with a rating of 8 on the Mohs scale, it is not as durable as diamonds, which score a perfect 10.
Another key factor is the gemstone’s refractive index. Diamonds have a higher refractive index than white topaz, resulting in more prominent light dispersion and sparkle. When light enters a diamond, it undergoes greater bending, creating the dazzling play of colors that sets diamonds apart from other gemstones.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can All Diamonds Be Found in A Raw, Uncut Form?
No, not all diamonds can be found in a raw, uncut form. While raw diamonds are natural and unpolished gemstones, the majority of diamonds are mined in their rough state and undergo a meticulous process of cutting and polishing to reveal their brilliance and fire. Only a small percentage of mined diamonds are deemed suitable for jewelry-grade polishing, while the rest may be used for industrial purposes or remain in their raw state. Raw diamonds, also known as rough diamonds, have gained popularity for their unique and organic appearance, making them a sought-after choice for those seeking an unaltered and natural gemstone.
Are Raw Diamonds More Valuable than Cut Diamonds?
The value of a diamond is determined by several factors, including its carat weight, cut, color, and clarity. While raw diamonds hold a distinct charm and allure, they are generally less valuable than their cut and polished counterparts. Cut diamonds are skillfully faceted to maximize their brilliance and sparkle, enhancing their overall beauty and desirability. The cutting process also serves to remove inclusions and improve the diamond’s clarity, further adding to its value. However, the value of raw diamonds is not solely based on their monetary worth. For those who appreciate their raw beauty and unprocessed nature, the value lies in their uniqueness and individuality.
How Do Raw Diamonds Compare to Polished Diamonds in Terms of Appearance?
Raw diamonds and polished diamonds present contrasting appearances. Raw diamonds retain their natural and uncut form, displaying rough surfaces, irregular shapes, and natural inclusions. They have a subdued brilliance and sparkle compared to their polished counterparts. In contrast, polished diamonds undergo expert cutting and polishing, revealing their maximum brilliance, fire, and light performance. The facets and reflective surfaces of polished diamonds create a dazzling display of light, resulting in the iconic diamond sparkle.
Is It Possible for A Raw Diamond to Be Flawless?
While raw diamonds can be exceptionally beautiful and unique, it is rare to find one that is completely flawless. Inclusions, blemishes, and other internal or external imperfections are typical features of raw diamonds. These imperfections are a result of the diamond’s natural formation process and the conditions under which it was created. Flawless diamonds, those without any internal or external imperfections, are highly valuable and more commonly found among cut and polished diamonds due to the meticulous grading and cutting processes.
Can You Turn a Raw Diamond Into a Polished One?
Yes, it is possible to turn a raw diamond into a polished one through a complex process known as diamond cutting and polishing. Skilled artisans, known as diamond cutters, study the raw diamond’s shape, size, and internal characteristics before determining the optimal cut to maximize its beauty and value. Using precision tools and techniques, the cutter facets the diamond to create a symmetrical and brilliant gemstone. The cutting process can significantly enhance a diamond’s brilliance and fire, transforming it into the iconic sparkling gem seen in jewelry.
Are Raw Diamonds Used in Jewelry, or Are They Primarily for Industrial Purposes?
While raw diamonds are occasionally used in jewelry, they are primarily valued for their industrial applications due to their hardness and durability. Industrial-grade diamonds are utilized in cutting, grinding, drilling, and other abrasive processes that require a highly durable material. However, there is a growing trend of incorporating raw diamonds into unique and unconventional jewelry designs. The distinct and organic beauty of raw diamonds appeals to those seeking alternative and environmentally conscious choices in their jewelry.
Unearthing the beauty of raw diamonds has been an enlightening journey filled with wonder and fascination. We have explored the natural formation process that gives birth to these mesmerizing gems, learned how to identify raw diamonds through visual inspection and advanced testing techniques, and even delved into the nuances of differentiating them from other gemstones.
From their captivating allure to their ethical sourcing and environmental considerations, raw diamonds have emerged as a sustainable and ethereal choice for those seeking a connection with nature and an expression of individuality. As fashion trends continue to evolve, raw diamonds stand out as timeless gems that resonate with a diverse audience, from lovers of traditional elegance to advocates of eco-conscious choices.