Jewel How

Cleaning Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Aquamarine Ring

Aquamarine rings are exquisite pieces of jewelry cherished for their stunning blue hues and unique properties. However, like all precious jewelry, they require proper care and maintenance to retain their brilliance and luster over time. Whether you’re a proud owner of an heirloom aquamarine ring or a newly acquired piece, regular cleaning is essential to keep it looking its best.

How to Clean an Aquamarine Ring

In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps of safely cleaning your aquamarine ring, ensuring it remains a cherished symbol of beauty and elegance for years to come. From understanding the properties of aquamarine to choosing the right cleaning methods and avoiding common pitfalls, we have you covered.

Preparing for Cleaning

Before you start the cleaning process for your beloved aquamarine ring, it’s essential to take a few preparatory steps to ensure a successful and safe cleaning experience. By following these guidelines, you’ll be better equipped to handle the delicate nature of the gemstone and avoid any potential damage during the cleaning process.

Check for Any Damage or Loose Stones

Begin by carefully inspecting your aquamarine ring for any visible signs of damage, such as chipped stones or loose prongs. If you notice any issues, it’s best not to proceed with the cleaning on your own. Instead, take your ring to a professional jeweler for assessment and repair. Cleaning a damaged ring can exacerbate the issue and lead to irreversible damage.

Gather Necessary Cleaning Materials

To clean your aquamarine ring effectively, you’ll need a few simple and easily accessible items. Make sure you have a soft microfiber cloth, mild liquid detergent, warm water, a soft-bristled toothbrush, and a bowl or basin ready for the cleaning process. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may harm the delicate gemstone.

Safe Cleaning Methods

When it comes to cleaning your precious aquamarine ring, it’s crucial to choose methods that are gentle and safe for the delicate gemstone. Harsh cleaning techniques or abrasive substances can damage the stone or its setting, diminishing its beauty and value. We’ll explore three safe and effective cleaning methods, each suitable for different levels of cleaning and maintenance.

Method 1: Basic Cleaning

This method is ideal for regular maintenance and keeping your aquamarine ring looking its best. Start by filling a small bowl or basin with warm water and adding a few drops of mild liquid detergent. Place your ring in the soapy water and let it soak for a few minutes. This allows the water and detergent to loosen dirt and debris gently.

Next, take a soft-bristled toothbrush and, using gentle circular motions, lightly scrub the ring’s surface and underneath the setting. Be cautious not to apply too much pressure, as excessive force can loosen stones or scratch the metal.

Once you’ve thoroughly scrubbed the ring, rinse it under running warm water to remove any soap residue. Finally, pat the ring dry with a soft microfiber cloth, making sure to dry the gemstone and setting completely to prevent water spots or residue.

Method 2: Cleaning with Baking Soda

For slightly more stubborn stains or dirt buildup, using a baking soda paste can be an effective and safe cleaning option. Start by creating a paste by mixing a small amount of baking soda with water. The paste should have a thick but spreadable consistency.

Gently apply the baking soda paste to the surface of the aquamarine ring, making sure to cover the gemstone and its setting. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to lightly scrub the ring in circular motions, paying extra attention to areas with visible dirt or stains.

Once you’ve thoroughly scrubbed the ring, rinse it under running warm water to remove the baking soda residue. Ensure you remove all traces of the paste, as any leftover baking soda can dry out and leave a film on the gemstone.

Finally, dry the ring with a soft microfiber cloth, gently buffing the surface to restore its natural shine and brilliance.

Method 3: Cleaning with Ammonia Solution

For more profound cleaning or when your aquamarine ring requires a refresh, an ammonia solution can be used. However, it’s essential to exercise caution, as ammonia can damage certain types of jewelry or metals.

To create the ammonia solution, mix one part household ammonia with six parts water in a small bowl or basin. Avoid using too much ammonia, as it can be too harsh on the gemstone and setting.

Carefully place the aquamarine ring into the ammonia solution, making sure not to submerge it for an extended period. A brief soak of no more than one minute is sufficient to loosen dirt and grime.

After soaking, gently scrub the ring using a soft-bristled toothbrush, focusing on hard-to-reach areas and places with visible dirt or residues.

Rinse the ring thoroughly under running warm water to remove all traces of ammonia. It’s crucial to be thorough in rinsing, as any remaining ammonia can harm the gemstone’s surface.

Lastly, pat the ring dry with a soft microfiber cloth, ensuring no moisture remains to avoid water spots or damage.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Properly caring for your aquamarine ring goes beyond just knowing how to clean it. There are several common pitfalls that you should be aware of to ensure the longevity and beauty of your precious gemstone.

Heat and Sunlight Exposure

Aquamarine gemstones are sensitive to extreme temperatures and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Excessive heat can cause the gemstone to fade or develop internal fractures, diminishing its brilliance and color. Therefore, it’s essential to avoid exposing your aquamarine ring to sources of high heat, such as hot surfaces, saunas, or direct sunlight for extended periods.

When not wearing your ring, store it in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. This precaution will help preserve the gemstone’s color and clarity, ensuring it remains as stunning as the day you acquired it.

Harsh Chemicals and Abrasives

Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive substances when cleaning your aquamarine ring, as they can damage the gemstone and its setting. Substances like bleach, chlorine, and household cleaners contain chemicals that can erode the surface of the gemstone and dull its shine.

Likewise, abrasive materials or rough brushes can cause scratches on the gemstone and metal, tarnishing its appearance. Always opt for gentle cleaning methods using mild soap, warm water, and soft-bristled brushes to ensure your aquamarine ring remains unscathed and radiant.

Ultrasonic and Steam Cleaners

While ultrasonic and steam cleaners are popular for cleaning jewelry, they can be detrimental to aquamarine gemstones, especially if they have visible inclusions. The high-frequency vibrations or steam pressure may cause the gemstone to crack or break, and it may also loosen the setting’s prongs, risking the loss of the stone.

Instead of using these powerful cleaning machines, stick to the safer and gentler methods we’ve outlined earlier, such as the basic cleaning or baking soda paste technique.

Polishing and Buffing

Polishing and buffing your aquamarine ring are essential steps in maintaining its dazzling appearance and restoring its natural shine. Over time, daily wear can cause the gemstone and the metal setting to lose some of their luster. However, with the right techniques, you can easily bring back the brilliance of your cherished ring.

Using a Jewelry Polishing Cloth

A jewelry polishing cloth is a handy tool for maintaining the beauty of your aquamarine ring. These specialized cloths are designed with gentle microfiber material infused with polishing compounds. To use a polishing cloth, simply take your clean and dry aquamarine ring and gently rub it with the cloth in small circular motions. The polishing cloth will remove minor surface imperfections and restore the shine of the gemstone and metal.

Ensure that you use a separate cloth for your aquamarine ring to avoid transferring residues from other jewelry, as these could potentially harm the gemstone or its setting.

Professional Polishing and Maintenance

For a more thorough and comprehensive restoration of your aquamarine ring’s brilliance, consider seeking professional polishing and maintenance services from a trusted jeweler. Jewelers have specialized tools and expertise to assess the condition of the gemstone and setting and apply appropriate polishing techniques.

During a professional polishing session, the jeweler will use advanced methods to remove deeper scratches and blemishes that may not be easily fixed with a polishing cloth. They will also inspect the prongs and settings to ensure they are secure and properly aligned.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

As a cherished and precious gemstone, aquamarine rings often raise questions regarding their care, cleaning, and maintenance. To provide clarity and address common queries, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions along with their answers.

How Often Should I Clean My Aquamarine Ring?

The frequency of cleaning your aquamarine ring depends on how often you wear it and your daily activities. As a general rule, it’s best to clean your ring regularly, ideally once every two weeks, to prevent the buildup of dirt and oils. However, if you engage in activities that expose your ring to more dirt or chemicals, such as gardening or cooking, consider cleaning it more frequently. Regular cleaning will help maintain the gemstone’s brilliance and keep it looking its best.

Can I Use Toothpaste for Cleaning My Ring?

Using toothpaste to clean your aquamarine ring is not recommended. Although toothpaste may seem like a convenient option, it can contain abrasive particles that may scratch the gemstone or metal setting.

Additionally, toothpaste is not specifically formulated for cleaning jewelry and may leave residues that can dull the gem’s shine over time. Stick to the gentle cleaning methods outlined in this guide to ensure the safety and beauty of your ring.

How Do I Know if My Ring Needs Professional Cleaning?

If you notice that your aquamarine ring has lost its sparkle, has visible scratches or blemishes that cannot be removed with basic cleaning methods, or if the metal setting appears tarnished, it may be time for professional cleaning. A jeweler can assess the condition of the gemstone and metal and apply specialized techniques to restore its brilliance. Periodic professional cleaning every couple of years is recommended to keep your ring looking its best.

Can I Wear My Aquamarine Ring While Swimming or Bathing?

It’s best to avoid wearing your aquamarine ring while swimming or bathing, as exposure to chlorinated or saltwater can be detrimental to the gemstone and metal setting. Chlorine and salt can erode the surface of the gemstone, causing it to lose its shine and potentially lead to long-term damage. Additionally, the water may cause the metal setting to tarnish or corrode. To preserve the beauty and longevity of your ring, remove it before engaging in water-related activities.


Your aquamarine ring is not only a piece of jewelry but also a precious memory and an expression of love and beauty. Properly caring for it will ensure that it continues to shine and sparkle, captivating hearts for generations.

Remember to clean your aquamarine ring regularly using gentle methods and avoid harsh chemicals or excessive heat. By following the cleaning tips provided in this guide and being mindful of how you store and wear your ring, you can maintain its brilliance and allure for years.